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  • Writer's pictureKarina Monsivais

find what makes you tick...

We all have days that are difficult, and daily challenges make us forget (very quickly) the things that make us tick. Maybe you have ideas that are stuck in your head that you want to make happen - those are the things that make us tick. These little positive things we react to have been in us since we were born, I believe - the beauty of it? it is different for all of us. For you maybe it is knitting, makeup, fashion, or fitness. Hell! washing your car. Truth is, you are amazing at something, and it is in your best interest to find that "thing" and find a way to develop it into something that not only fulfills you, but trust me: when the bad days come, (and they will) you need that happy placeto go to, and nobody in the face of the earth can help you get there, but yourself. Sure, you have people that love you enough to advice you to take that first step, but nobody is coming to make that first step for you. YOU have to do that on your own. So, if you already know what makes you tick, you are probably overwhelmed about all you have to do to share your talent, monetize it and I am guessing, the fear of what people might say paralyzes you, and your action plan stops there. Right? Well, I have been there. But, think about these things I have recently learned to slay the fear dragon one day at at time:

1. Fear is a liar - your brain is a machine that wants to keep you safe from danger. Doing unfamiliar things is foreign to it. So, it thinks up all kinds of excuses to keep you from taking action. So, what do you do when fear fogs your vision? Ask logical questions: what is the worse that can happen? what is the best that can happen? and most of all, how will I feel for the rest of my life if I don't take action? - this last question is paiful for me.

2. Do not seek perfection - solve ONE problem at a time. For me, setting up this blog was daunting. So many options, so many steps, so many templates to choose from. So, one night I said: I am getting the domain and choosing ONE template. I will come back tomorrow. Then, I would take my laptop to a coffee shop and say: "not going back home until I solve the next problem." So, the next day I set up the template and all the options I wanted in it.

You will be surprised at how the feelings of accomplishment drive you to solve the next day's problems. So, you start to at least be comfortable with the daily challenges.

3. Do not expect immediate results - use your beginning to practice, practice, practice. You may not be monetizing yet, you may not be widely known YET - but you are growing. Every practice attempt is preparing you for when the external growth comes. It is your way of giving back to yourself, and the Universe will respond accordingly, but you have to do your part. The "how" or the "when" your growth manifests is simply not in your control.

4. Understand this - some people will love your craft. Some will hate it. We are simply not for everybody, and that is life. I dont think I need to elaborate more on this one....

Ok, so those are just a couple of things I have learned so far and I will elaborate as my own growth manifests... until then, breathe, relax and try again!

Karina X0X0

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